What is my Pick-up Day?
Thursday will be Rochester's Day for all Pickup, Recyclables, and Bulk items. Regular pickup hours will be from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Please see http://rumpke.com/for-your-home/curbside-guidelines for more information.
When are Dumpster Days?
Dumpster Days will be scheduled throughout the year. Please watch the "Community Events" Page for details.
What is a Fuel Surcharge: Your invoice will include a fuel surcharge component, which is calculated by a formula established by your community and is related directly to the national diesel fuel prices as reported by the Energy Information Administration.
What is the Lorain County Admin Fee: Rumpke collects an administrative fee on behalf of your community and the Lorain County Solid Waste District.
Do I need to rinse out my containers before I place them in the bin?
We encourage you to rinse all containers to prevent insects and minimize odor.
Do I need to remove lids from my recyclables?
Yes, please remove all lids. The lids are not made from the same material as the recyclable container, therefore they are considered contaminates to the recycling stream.
Do I need to remove labels before placing recyclables in my bin?
No, the labels will disintegrate in the recycling process.
Why doesn’t Rumpke Recycling accept all types of plastics?
Rumpke Recycling accepts all plastic bottles. Common plastic bottles include soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, and contact solution bottles. Plastic bottles are manufactured through a process called "blow molding." The end-users who buy the bottles for manufacturing of new products
prefer the "blow molded" plastic bottles for their processes.
Other plastics, such as butter tubs and plastic food trays, are manufactured through a process called "injection molding." These plastics are are not accepted in Rumpke Recycling's residential programs.
What should I do with plastic bags, such as grocery bags?
Plastic bags cause major problems in Rumpke Recycling's mechanized single-stream equipment. They become entangled in the rotating discs, dramatically affecting the operating efficiency of the process.
Rumpke Recycling encourages residents to return plastic bags to the stores that used them. Nearly all major retail chains have collection bins for the plastic bags.
Rumpke Recycling offers segregated collection programs for all types of film plastic generated by commercial and industrial organizations.
Oil jugs are plastic. Can I place them in my recycling bin?
No, oil is considered household hazardous waste. Please contact your local solid waste management district for appropriate disposal or recycling options.
Paint cans are metal. Are they recyclable?
No, liquid paint is a household hazardous waste. Mix kitty litter with the paint to make the remaining liquid a solid. Place the paint can with the lid off at the curb with your trash for disposal at the landfill.
Are dishes, mirrors and window glasses accepted?
The single stream sorting technology employed to sort recyclables cannot sort these items. Also, the type of glass used to make these items is not useful to the manufacturers using the glass Rumpke Recycling processes.